Large Scale Founders Collaboration and Exchange at the 6th Entrepreneurs World Summit Virtual Edition
May 12-13 the 6th Entrepreneurs World Summit Virtual Edition invites large scale founders world wide for valuable collaboration to survive and thrive in the current challenging times, and exchange in how to build companies for a new world that comes next after the pandemic.
The purpose is the same as earlier years, to facilitate entrepreneurial success and promote societal development through increased entrepreneurship.
During two days various interactive workshops, webinars and online one-to-one business meetings will take place, where each participant can decide to take part in all or individual activities in this more than ever important exchange.
Announced Topics and Speakers May 12-13 2020
- Climate Entrepreneurship: Aticka Chona, Founder and CEO, GreenKarmas (India) – Joakim Karthäuser, Founder and CTO, Climeon (Sweden)- Thomas Bergen, Founder and CEO, getAbstract and HopeNow (Switzerland).
- Sustainable Large Scale Ownership, Investing and Financing: Magnus Nilsson, Co-founder, iZettle (Sweden), Åke Lundén, Co-founder, Benify & Friends Capital (Sweden) – Monica Hedberg, Founder, Monica Hedberg Invest & Asynjor Invest(Sweden) – Fredrik Wester, Owner, Paradox Interactive and Founder, Kichi Invest(Sweden).
- Future of Retail: Andreas Hassellöf, Founder, Ombori (Sweden).
- Interactive Webinar: Ann Winblad, Founder, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners (CA/USA)
- Founders leadership in and beyond challenging times: Dr. Johan Roos, Chief Academic Officer and Professor, Hult International Business School (UK)
- Creating Impact with Design and Technology: Lari Tuominen, Founder, Qvik and Owner, Erimover and Ensto (Finland)
- Global Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Vladimir Borisov, Founder, (Netherlands)
- Personal Leadership & Wellbeing: Dr. Markus Wartiovaara, Dr. Econ., Director, Hanken Business Lab (Finland)
- Global Social Impact: Kamran Elahian, Chairman and Founder, Global Innovation Catalyst and iBridges (CA/USA) – Moa Gürburzer, Founder, OddBird International (Sweden) – David Batstone, Co-founder, Just Business and NotForSale Campaign (CA/USA)
This forum will add value to each participant by exchange with peer large scale founders. In a time, when collaboration is more important than ever to sustain, pivot, strive and create sustainable positive impact as entrepreneur.
The Entrepreneurs World Summit Virtual Edition involves active founders of large scale companies across the globe, to bring value to and create a global exchange of trust and results to further sustainable corporate creation thereby bridging the world of large scale entrepreneurs.
For more information on criteria for participants and announced participants, program and registration, see more here: The 6th Entrepreneurs World Summit Virtual Edition
Founders Alliance
Founders Alliance founded in 2001 in Sweden, where it is a premium collaborative forum of large-scale founders for sustainable large international corporate creation, responsible ownership and positive societal impact. We are driven by our values of long term responsible entrepreneur ownership, diversity and tolerance, and sustainable leadership. It includes over 400 high performing founders as members that are owners in a network of 3000 companies with 300 000 employees stretching across all industries and areas of expertise
Founders Alliance started building a global collaboration between founders in 2015, now with 250 active large scale founders headed by 50 so called International Members headquartered in 11 countries including: USA (CA), India, China (Hong Kong), United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain. Founding Members are founders of large scale international corporations, owners of other international growth companies and engaged in multiple social impact initiatives around the globe. They are building large scale international companies and act as active owners sometimes investors in more companies, and highly engaged in organisations for social impact.
Since its establishment, Founders Alliance has delivered a well proven record of events and customized matchmaking services for its members to assist them in large scale corporate creation, responsible ownership and social impact. Founders Alliance facilitates a platform for collaboration between peer founders including virtual workshops, one-to-one introductions, closed online communities, international business trips and events including the annual Entrepreneurs World Summit, an arena to enhance entrepreneurial success and societal development through increased entrepreneurship for large scale founders only.
Founders Alliance collaborate with similar organisations in Sweden and globally that share the same values based on engagement by and value for Founders Alliance members.
The core of Founders Alliance is independent from states, financial actors, advisory firms and academic institutions.
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